Sermon Archives

April 3, 2022

From Scarcity to Abundance

From Scarcity to Abundance

A number of years ago, I attended a church leadership retreat at Camp Amigo in Sturgis, Michigan. On our second day there, we were invited to an extended time of silence. There were different stations set up for us to pray and to reflect, but we were told to use that time as we wished. […]

February 27, 2022

The Greatness of God

The Greatness of God

Soon after I began my ministry years ago, I participated in a retreat at Spruce Lake Camp in the Pocono Mountains in northeastern Pennsylvania. The retreat was for both adult and youth leaders of youth groups. It was such a spiritually  stimulating event that one high school youth went to the retreat leaders to tell […]

December 5, 2021

Welcome, Child

Welcome, Child

When a baby is born to Muslim parents, everyone in the birth chamber is asked to be silent. The doctor, the nurses, the aids. Silence. Before any other words are said, the father will take the baby in his arms, and whisper in his right ear the Muslim call to prayer. This is so the […]

September 22, 2019

From Loneliness to Solitude

About thirty years ago, I began my first pastoral assignment at Lombard Mennonite Church, in Lombard, Illinois. Back then I was an assistant pastor working under the supervision of the two senior pastors, Joe and Emma Richards. One morning in the church office, Joe announced that after lunch, he and I were going to visit […]

December 9, 2018

Speechless Wonder

MAKE READY FOR THE CHRIST, WHOSE SMILE, LIKE LIGHTENING, SETS FORTH THE SONG OF EVERLASTING GLORY THAT NOW SLEEPS IN YOUR PAPER FLESH…LIKE DYNAMITE! This is Advent and these words from Thomas Merton shape our calling: to Make ready for the Christ…to prepare for the birthing God has in store within each of us & […]