Sermon Archives

October 17, 2021

The Why’s God

The Why’s God

You know, before Monday, running had never been an activity that provoked deep emotions in me. Yet, on Monday, running the Boston Marathon, I found myself fighting back tears and failing. It was at mile 17. That was the mile where my family was watching. I stopped to hug them, and I was so happy […]

October 3, 2021

In the Case of Job

In the Case of Job

Thank you, your honor. May it please the court, I’ve prepared an opening statement in this civil action brought by Job, resident of 2924 Maple Street, the Land of Uz, zip 56655, against the defendant, God, also known as The LORD, Yahweh, the Most High, the Holy One of Israel, and many other names.

April 26, 2020

The Long Slog to Communion

Now, what? Every single one of us asks that question at some point in our lives, several points, probably. Now what? Maybe you are asking that question right now. Maybe those of you with children are being asked that question a lot these days. You see, we ask that question whenever we find ourselves taking […]

September 18, 2016

A Room with a View

This is my third sermon on the topic of Faith Formation. The first sermon explored what we mean when we say ‘faith formation’, using the images of catching Jesus—believing in Jesus, Jesus catching us and looking to Jesus to give us what we need for our journey. The second sermon used the image of the […]