Sermon Archives

March 6, 2022

From Security to Generosity

From Security to Generosity

On Wednesday evening — Ash Wednesday evening, I received a mark of ashes on my forehead in the shape of a cross, just like the one I’m wearing now. As I received it, I was told these words, just these words: “Mark, from dust you’ve come, and to dust you shall return.”

October 13, 2019

Church as Exile

He saw her in the market, a rare breath of beauty amid the misery of his life in the refugee camp. Someone said she was from his village back in Syria, which he fled when a Syrian government plane dropped bombs that destroyed his home. And now, on a hot afternoon two months later, Samah […]

October 6, 2019

Introverts in the Church

I recently saw an advertisement for a new pastor. It specified that “the candidate must have an outgoing and energetic personality.” For many churches, the ideal pastor is outgoing, gregarious, loves to meet new people and shake their hands, is quick-witted in social conversations, has lots of energy, and dazzles people with charm and charisma. […]

May 19, 2019

Avant-Garde God

In 1850, one of the most controversial art movements began in France. Those artists who identified with this movement called themselves the avant-garde. In French, avant-garde means, “advanced guard,” and it was originally a military term to describe the leading units of an advancing army. These artists saw themselves in exactly that way, but their […]

September 25, 2016

Treasures in Christ

Some years ago…. Judy Wendt….wanting to teach us a spiritual discipline introduced us to the method of pulling out key phrases from the Bible. She began with Ephesians chapters 1-3 and the phrase “in Christ”. She was a wise woman for as young mothers she knew we would be strengthened in our role if we […]

January 11, 2015

Location, Location, Location

Location, location, location. If you are in the market for a place to live, that is the song of the realtors. That has certainly been a factor for us both times we’ve bought a house. Thinking about work and school, and the proximity of those to where we lived was, and is, really important. Of […]