Sermon Archives

March 25, 2018

Wild Peace

I think was in 4th grade when the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred, and I remember vividly overhearing my parents ask each other if this was the beginning of WW3. My heart froze. And after that my fear increased. It was the era when people were building fall-out shelters, and we had regular drills at school […]

October 29, 2017

Eyes Wide Open

I was young when my fascination for Samson and Delilah started. Children’s bible—thinking Delilah was pretty—I think that I wanted to be like her My affection for this story has changed over the years, but I have always had a particular interest in it. As I have studied this text I keep asking myself why […]

November 20, 2016

A New Mennonite Disaster Service

During the recent presidential race, a kind of disaster occurred in the American social fabric. It feels that this election cycle was one of the most angry elections in decades. From voters and candidates, we heard appeals to violence, stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment, animosity toward immigrants, hostility toward Muslims, charges of email […]

November 9, 2014


Almost anytime I call Jan during the day, or send her an email (unless someone is listening in or others are copied), or just see her at the end of the day — I will almost always start out with, “So. Do you still love me?” Now Jan says that this is just because I […]

September 14, 2014

Blessed and Sent

With this sermon, we begin our narrative lectionary. The narrative lectionary follows the overarching Biblical story of God and God’s people. Preaching from this lectionary will hopefully give all of us a sense of how God has been at work throughout history and of how the story of God and God’s people continues today. Our […]

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