Sermon Archives

December 8, 2019

You, turn.

You, turn.

So, how are you? I expected that tepid response, so I came prepared to not only ask the question but to provide your answers: I’m fine. Getting along. Busy busy. Doing well. I’m here. Causin’ trouble. Just great. Fair to middlin’. Keeping warm. Couldn’t be better. Can’t complain. Still alive. If there is any other […]

July 28, 2019

Parable not Prophecy

I was challenged in the fall of 2017 to preach on this passage from Matthew and believe me, it was a challenge! This parable of the wedding banquet is the last in a series of three parables that Jesus tells following his arrival in Jerusalem and the clearing of the temple courts. The first two […]

November 25, 2018

Help! Wow! Thanks!

IN Guatemala City, one of the biggest garbage pits in the world can be viewed from a cemetery overlook. And from that vantage point, one can see people moving about in the trash, making their homes in the squalor and stench, scavenging to eek out their subsistence while vultures are hovering overhead.   THIS is […]

July 8, 2018

The Joy of Sabbath

Plan your escape to the Emerald Isle today! That message came through my email the other day.  And it’s tantalizing, because much of life has become a rhythm between BUSYNESS and ESCAPE! How different that mindset is from a rhythm of Ministry and Sabbath… and it makes all the difference in how we view the […]

October 19, 2014

Those Glorious Nights

Most Christians whom I know love daylight and fear darkness. Jenny and I had neighbors twelve years ago who were fine Christian people—members of one of the local Missionary churches here in town. One day shortly after they moved in their new home, they decided to install night lights at the front and back corners […]

August 17, 2014

Behind the Scenes

A while back I was listening to a man vent his frustrations about God. “I get so frustrated trying to relate to God!” this man exclaimed. “God is much harder to communicate with than anyone else I know. When I want to communicate with people, I go and visit them, phone them, email them, or […]

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