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When God Speaks through Change:  Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition, by Craig A. Satterlee. The author reflects on the rich and defining way in which the sermon can aid congregations as they face and make transitions.

Tribal Church:  Ministering to the Missing Generation, by Carol Howard Merritt. This book is for anyone who wants to understand young people better who are coming to church and how to respond to their quest for faith, meaning, life, and love.

The Sky is Falling!?! Leaders Lost in Transition, by Alan J. Roxburgh is a proposal for leadership communities to take new risks for the reign of God.

Coming Home:  Stories of Anabaptists in Britain and Ireland edited, by Alan Kreider and Stuart Murray contain stories and testimonies that provide motivation and guidance for any who are searching for new perspectives on Christian faith and church life.

The Faith of Barack Obama, by Stephen Mansfield, takes you inside the theology of Barack Obama, inside the church that has been his spiritual home, and inside the battles of faith that have shaped his politics.