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This week we have some more additions to the library, along with some Berkey connections again.
  • My First 80 Years:  A Short Memoir by Marian E. Hostetler – an interesting account of the author’s life, complete with pictures over the years that include the author’s sisters, Twila Nafziger and Beth Berry.
  •  Is it Insensitive to Share Your Faith?  – Hard questions about Christian mission in a plural world by James R. Krabill (Elisabeth Barahona‘s father).  The author acknowledges both the audacity of God’s efforts, the often miserable failings of the church, and  yet his own hope.
  •  Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans (author of The Christmas Box ) – Just as a loving widow named Mary Anne bestows on Richard a unique heirloom timepiece to pass on to his own daughter, Timepiece has a message of the ongoing nature of life as a reminder that the connections from one generation to the next are indelible.
  •  Never Alone by Joseph F. Girzone – the author guides the reader toward a God who is neither silent nor condemning, but a patient God who heals gently and thoroughly, a realistic God who knows quite well how we function.  We may be shocked or ashamed by what we see in ourselves, but God understands.
  • I’ll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm – Elfie, the dog, and her special boy progress happily through life together. One morning Elfie does not wake up. The family grieves and buries her.   Contains watercolor illustrations, warm in color and mood, that suit the simple text perfectly.  (Primary age)