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An exciting adventure in learning and doing ministry began for 6 people from College Mennonite, Waterford Mennonite and Berkey Avenue on January 5. Trish Yoder is among these Stephen Minister trainees studying, discussing, experiencing, and trying out the skills involved in sharing God’s love and compassion with those who especially need these gifts. Let us thank God for Trish and the other ministers and ask God’s continued help and blessing in their adventure.
The next training class will be a retreat day on January 23, in which they will be considering the subject of “The Art of Listening”. In this presentation they will be honing their listening skills and finding out that listening well is extremely helpful and caring but is also hard work. They will also learn about “Distinctively Christian Caring”, discovering more effective ways of using resources such as prayer and Scripture as tools in caring ministry. We ask your prayers for them and for God’s blessings upon their ministries.