Posted by admin

Join us on Sunday! Worship begins at 9:30 a.m. 

This Sunday, July 28, is a Wild Church service. “Wild Church” is a name given to Christian groups that hold worship services outside as a way to connect their faith with creation. For the service we will be gathering in the outdoor sanctuary.* Bring your chairs, hats, jackets, sunscreen, bug spray… whatever you need to spend the morning outside! Outdoor services are not livestreamed; please join us in-person.
     * In case of rain, we will worship indoors. However, we will still have a wandering and wondering opportunity to go outside, so bring your rain gear and dress for the weather. Encountering creation in all different weather is part of the wild church experience!

Our summer inter-generational nurture hour begins at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome!