Posted by admin

We all remember the rule of “No Gum in School,” which is still the case in today’s world most of the time except for two times a year at Model Elementary!! Many of you might be surprised to learn that the only time gum is allowed falls during ISTEP testing!! Yes, you heard it right…Model Elementary encourages students to chew mint flavored gum while taking their standardized tests and believes they saw the benefits last year!!

Research shows that chewing gum can stimulate blood flow and improve memory with the mint flavor boosting the brain and improving problem solving. So what does this all mean for our church…well, Model needs gum and our church is going to hold a Gum Drive to supply this need for the second round of ISTEP! The school has figured that each student in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will need approximately four pieces of gum for the duration of the test, which figures out to 1,300 pieces!

With the assistance of our partner church, we are being asked to collect 650 pieces of mint flavored gum!!! So let’s help out the students and staff at Model!! Please bring ONLY mint flavored gum preferably Doublemint sticks to the church no later than April 12 to be delivered to the school in time for the next round of ISTEP!! There will be a box for the gum on a table in the fellowship hall.

Thank you!!