Beyond Anxiety

November 13, 2016



“In the year that King Uzziah died. . . .” With those words, Isaiah names a major turning point in his life and in the life of his nation, the nation of Judah. You and I do this too. In conversations with each other, we often name major historical markers in our lives.

  • “In the year I graduated from college, so and so happened to me.”
  • “The year we were married, another important event also happened.”
  • “In the year my mother died, I had a second profound and life-changing experience.”
  • “The same year the World Trade Center towers burned. . . .
  • “In the year I got fired. . . .
  • “It happened the year I was diagnosed with cancer. . . .

With sentences like these, we link two important events in our lives. The same year one important event happened to me, I experienced another important event too.

Bible References

  • Isaiah
  • 6:1 - 4