Sermon Archives

Dan Schrock
January 4, 2015

The Refugee

I’d like you to meet Rose Kingston. Rose Kingston lives in New York City, but that’s not where she was born. In fact, Rose was not born anywhere in the United States. She was born in Monrovia, Liberia, where she and her family once lived comfortably and safely. Rose’s mother worked as a secretary in […]

December 28, 2014

The Threat

Who would have thought that Mary would pose a threat to Herod? King Herod was one of the great men of the world. His father was Antipater, a man who had lots of wealth and influence. His mother was a Nabataean princess. He was born in 73 BCE and died in March or April in […]

December 21, 2014

Theologian of the Possible

Mary’s words in this passage of scripture are hard for us to hear. This short passage has been set to music and sung more often than maybe any other passage of scripture in Christian history. If you pick up a book of morning and evening prayers, this passage is often featured prominently in the daily […]

December 14, 2014


If something really wonderful happened to you, who is the first person you would want to share the news with? Suppose you were offered a new job in a better organization for more pay. Who would you call up first and tell the news to? Or suppose you won a lottery to have solar panels […]

November 30, 2014


If there’s anything we Americans want in our leaders, it’s confidence. From the mayor to the governor to the president, we want to hear our leaders exude confidence. Even if our leaders stretch the truth a little, we still want them to sound confident. Historians sometimes say that one reason Franklin Roosevelt was popular as […]

November 16, 2014

Trust Amid Anxiety

I once sat with a young woman who was anxious about the state of the world. Of course someone could worry about any number of things in this world, but this young woman was especially anxious about wars in various parts of the world. During and after college she had lived in several different countries […]

November 2, 2014

The Ultimate Offering

God is in a feisty mood. The prophet Micah is also in a feisty mood. To understand why, look at the context. Micah, a Hebrew prophet who lived in the southern kingdom of Judah about 720 years before Jesus, cared passionately about ordinary people. Micah was no urbane aristocrat like the prophet Isaiah. Instead he […]

October 19, 2014

Those Glorious Nights

Most Christians whom I know love daylight and fear darkness. Jenny and I had neighbors twelve years ago who were fine Christian people—members of one of the local Missionary churches here in town. One day shortly after they moved in their new home, they decided to install night lights at the front and back corners […]

October 5, 2014


There you are, stuck. Maybe you’re stuck at work. One woman I’m acquainted with felt trapped in her work at a church-related organization. This organization did great work in the community for the sake of Christ, and was known far and wide for doing competent, compassionate work. Her stuckness came from the fact that the […]

September 21, 2014

Joseph’ Sexual Harassment

This story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife is a clear-cut case of sexual harassment in the workplace. Sometimes we think the Bible has an ancient feel to it, that its stories come from so far away and so long ago that they don’t have any congruence with our context and our situation. Despite the fact […]

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